1. where are you from?I am originally from the east riding of Yorkshire in the UK. i have lived for 10 years in London and 10 years in south wales. i am now living back in the east riding just outside of Kingston upon hull.
2. do you use any particular tools/materials/methods during the working process?I use Indian ink for my black and white drawings. for the colour work i use acrylic paints, spectrum noir markers, pencil and collage on paper, wood and canvas. i will recycle my drawings through photographs printed on the top of collage. i then make new images using my original black and white drawings printed on collage.
3. how is your working process?

4. what do you think about the art market nowadays?
have exhibited my work a few times and i have some of my work for sale
in Tyler and Blacks in Beverley, East Yorkshire. i consider myself to be
an Outsider/visionary artist.
6. is there a common idea that go across all your works?
my art lets me escape. its the only time when i am truly relaxed and in
another 'place'. i love the way possible art images pop into my head
and distract me from the stress of my job and it fills me with hope.
certainly id like to think that one day i could make a living from my
creative side...
have also started to write a story around the paintings and drawings; this really
has taken on an organic synchronicity. The story, at the moment, feels like
something that may be aimed at Children and young adults, bringing in a touch
of popular cosmology/quantum physics and a bit of Carl Sagan meets Lewis
of my images reflect a multiverse of wormhole leaps and the creatures that
inhabit this expanse. Like all good tales, My narrative deals with the good,
the bad and the plain bonkers. Many of the paintings focus on the symbiotic
relationship between the Matahog (Halkyn) and the Cathexis ID (Oni Jorges). The
Cathexis ID celebrate Matahogs due to their friendship and elixir giving
qualities. In addition to their relationship, my narrative touches on the relationship
with the Skemthrip Tycho Quorag. Tycho Quorag is an elixir shaman who is able
to call wormholes through his cosmic wisdom and heavy elixir use. A character
that hasn’t been drawn yet is Narberth the cosmic parasite, he lives in a
‘burrow’ in Halkyn the matahog’s horns...

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