amazing world of Bernardino Costantino is mainly black and white. or some psychedelic colours. no compromise. these strongly expressionistic works are at the same part a wonderful outsider pieces. you can find a lot of amazing pictures on his blog and also on facebook. share with who you love. and love everybody

I live and work in Venice, Italy.
2. do you use any particular tools/materials/methods during the working process?
I work for my use mainly acrylic and mixed media.
I really love to experiment and use a variety of expressive solutions.

3. how is your working process?
My sources of inspiration are influenced by my personal and complex inner journey.
The images that I create them are the manifestation of my cathartic and liberating feelings generated by an intense and painful psychological pressure.
4. what do you think about the art market nowadays?
I am far from the art market, and from all forms of market.
The art market has it shaped and influenced by the system, I in my way to be context and feel an intense and fierce revulsion against the system.

5. do you exhibit your works? how do you place yourself in actual art context?
I hate showing my work. When I see them on display in galleries I feel a great discomfort. The web for me it is the ideal container in which to exhibit my work.
I have a love and hatred towards my work.

6. is there a common idea that go across all your works?
I have my recurring themes in the work, they face issues related to alienation, depersonalization, frustration and repression.
For me, art has it a mainly therapeutic and liberating function.

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