domenica 27 novembre 2016

Images from underground/File N°014

in our journey into outsider art we'll stop in the world of Silvio Codazzi. his ironic works a bit scary a bit funny are great comment to the reality around us. terrific
more stuff you can find here 

Name : Silvio


Born: 05/01/1970

1. where are you from?
I have come back to Puglia , among the olive trees of Salento countryside, where I used to live when I was a child.

I have always drawn, I have always enjoy it.

Comics, tattoos, wall paintings: many are the paths I follow to express myself.

Now I'm here to speak of my drawings and my paintings.

2. do you use any particular tools/materials/methods during the working process?

In the early 90s, iI graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce. There I started painting.

With big brushes on large sheets of paper searching for light and shapes.

Then Torino-Milano-Torino.

In the suburbs I began to pick up garbage.

I covered it in gold paint to transform it.

I framed the garbage I painted on with other garbage.

In my paintings of that period there were Roses, Madonnas and Demons.

It was a devotional painting in some way..

A few fellows, precious friends, mostly in solitude to seek the pleasure that the creative act conveys to those who create.

I paint on wood, on canvas, but mainly on garbage harvested on the fringes -my favourite game-with acrylic and oil paints.


3. how is your working process?

I worked as a restorer of our artistic heritage for 12 years.

One day during those 12 years I met the woman I love.

Together we procreated two beautiful creatures.

I worked long hours and dedicated myself to art only when the need was urgent.

Then, in 2012 I lost my job, like many other people.

A part of me is thankful for that day, since I could have time again for drawing.

Describing a creative process is not easy.

It belongs to intimacy.

Emotions, ironies, considerations, and personal knowledge;it happens that these factors connect and turn on a light inside me.

When this happens, I take a pencil and try to convey the vision on paper.

Often it is a sketch of the initial idea, a sketch that during the creative act – an imperfect act! - is completed with new insights -others lights!- that blossom drawing by drawing.

4. what do you think about the art market nowadays?
5. do you exhibit your works? how do you place yourself in actual art context?

'TALES OF MAI(S)' with their puns understandable only in Italian, 'INVADOPODIA', the clubhouse 'B.N.Y.' where it is always Christmas, 'CLOWNS AND SHIT', 'LITTLE HELLS' and 'FUCKPUPPETS'.

These are some of my sagas.

My characters are grotesque and live grotesque situations.

The last exhibition I attended -my first one on a catalogue- was titled 'ORIZZONTI PERDUTI', an exhibition of Art Brut.

I was invited by “Torino Mad Pride”, by my dear friend Simone Sandretti -a kiss, wherever you are-in the category of OUTSIDERS.

I think that this category is appropriate to describe myself.

Because I don't know the art market.

I'm out of it, unfortunately.

Unfortunately, because being part of it would allow me to paint all day!

6. is there a common idea that go across all your works?

A common idea?

I have been publicising my works on Facebook on the page “SILVIO CODAZZI PITTORE”.

I invite you to enter.

I invite you to browse through folders of drawings and paintings.

Try and decipher the taste that my work will impart to you.

To find out for yourself, between the lines of my joy and sorrow.

Thanks for reading this interview.

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