I know you're waiting for it. a brilliant dada project Uncle Grasha's Flying Circus, already mentioned on this blog is a music for your soul, is a hammer for your ears. if you don't know them what do you know about underground today?
0. name of the band
Uncle Grasha's Flying Circus
1. where are you from?
Metaphysically we are from Spitzbergen, but virtually we work in Czech Republic.
2. what kind of instruments/equipment you use?
We use any unusual
instrument, children keyboards, sea bells, metal plates, children
military (especially tank) toys etc. In the case of "musical
instruments", we use analog mixers, theremin, oscillator and lot of
guitar/bass effect boxes.
3. what do you think about the music context nowadays and how you place yourself in? do you feel a part of any scene?
We still think that there
are communities like scenes, with stable self-identification and
reliability in the case of DIY distributions. We are very close to so to
say hardcore-punk scene with its DIY principles, but we can identify
ourselves with extreme and avantgarde music as a whole. Our small label
is focused mainly on extreme music of any kind, but we prefer noise,
industrial, ambient, black metal, sludge/doom or grindcore/noisecore.
4. which is your method of composition?
5. how is your recording approach? do you use some particular record technique?
6. do you play live? how public react to your music?
No strictly
procedures, sometimes I get an idea and simply record it at home with my
microphone and PC, for some noises we must go to rehearsal room. The
bulk of our production is so to say home-made. But the most of our stuff
is composed by me, Uncle Grasha, the celestial body.
Our live shows are usually improvisations, we have some guests occasionally. We prefer to play in autonomous centers, squats or in some underground venues. Our experiences are various - from throwing of bottles to mosh pits or hypnotized audiences:-)
5. how is your recording approach? do you use some particular record technique?
6. do you play live? how public react to your music?

Our live shows are usually improvisations, we have some guests occasionally. We prefer to play in autonomous centers, squats or in some underground venues. Our experiences are various - from throwing of bottles to mosh pits or hypnotized audiences:-)
7. Genesis P-Orridge said "Our records were documents of attitudes and experiences and observations by us and other determinedly individual outsiders. Fashion was an enemy, style irrelevant.". What do your records represent to you?
We are brilliant geniuses
of humanity, personified absurdity, our way is destruction of the old
and creation of new mankind living for its lathes and monuments! We were
in all the darkest moments of human history and will be in all
struggles towards the shining future! We are nuns!
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