mercoledì 6 aprile 2016

Images from underground/File N°007

 the 7th artist presented in <Images from underground> is <<Fred Boven>> whose art deserves really a deeper look. 


 Works that are simply sublime and visionary, elaborated thanks to use of different materials are profoundly expressive and admirable. More you can find on his facebook page here

1. where are you from?
I live and work in Amsterdam [Holland] , I have Indonesian roots.

2. do you use any particular tools/materials/methods during the working process?
I use different materials, witch I often find on the streets , such as roller blinds , wooden panels , cardboard , plexiglas . I use tar , carbolineum ,oil paint and acrylic I work without a preconceived plan, I let the material speak during the working process. 

3. is there a common idea that go across all your works? do you exhibit your works?
My theme are transience, birth, death, growth and want to be born again. I feel myself no great artist, too much concurrence in Amsterdam, have a little contact with Gallery owners , in 2015 I had 3 major exhibitions.


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