0. name of the band
1. where are you from?
I'm from Quezon City, Philippines
2. what kind of instruments/equipment you use?
I use a crappy Dell laptop, a 10 watt amp, a Squier Classic Vibe Tele, an Intopic Web microphone, a ProCo Rat and a multi-effects unit. I use Ableton 9 in recording my tracks and i use Audacity to slow down or fade out some of my songs.
3. what do you think about the music context nowadays and how you place yourself in? do you feel a part of any scene?
Here in Quezon City, the scene's very cool and very interesting, 'cause it's filled with exciting bands playing different kinds of genres, sometimes fusing different kinds of genres, forming a complex one. Also, There are lots of collaborative projects happening in the scene, which is worth listening to. I would have to say that I'm a low-key person in the scene, probably because of my introvert personality haha.
4. which is your method of composition?
I usually form certain melodies or riffs whenever I'm commuting, because I have nothing else better to do inside public vehicles. Sometimes when I'm adjusting my guitar's tone, you know, through experimentation and trial and error, I am able to write a melody and improve it over time. The most helpful approach (for me) would have to be listening to a lot of music. Lately, I have been digging the works of Hockey Dad (of Australia), Cloud Nothings, Homeshake, Slowdive, Porches, Good Morning and TOPS. I try not to copy them, but I try to study their vibe, their dynamics and general feel, and compose a riff from that process without actually ripping off their songs haha.
5. how is your recording approach? do you use some particular record technique?
As mentioned, I use a crappy Dell laptop with a crappy sound card, and my microphone is only a web mic, which is really a hassle for me sometimes (because I can't capture any clean and clear guitar sound and tone, it is usually hiss-y). I just point the mic directly at the center of my amp, and my amp's volume can only go up to 2 or so during recording, or else it would clip. Despite the hiss on every one of my recordings, it's okay because I'm into the lo-fi way of making things, where nothing's really clean and the saturation adds to the overall vibe of the song or compilation.
6. do you play live? how public react to your music?
I don't play any of my songs live, and as of now, I don't plan on playing my songs live, cause all of my songs are instrumental and I write really bad lyrics, and I really want this thing to be underground as possible. Maybe in the future I might change my mind and I might play my songs live with my friends.
7. Genesis P-Orridge said "Our records were documents of attitudes and experiences and observations by us and other determinedly individual outsiders. Fashion was an enemy, style irrelevant.". What do your records represent to you?
My records are a representation of my feelings and emotions towards my friends, existentialism, school and love. Kinda cheesy, but, you know, it's kinda messed up.

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