0. name of the band
Rat Filth
1. where are you from?
Melbourne, Australia
2. what kind of instruments/equipment you use? do you use some particular record technique? which is your method of composition?
We use drums, guitar and organ. We recorded it in our homes separately as we both used to live interstate. Out technique was that one of us would have an idea for a track record that and send it across and the other person would but there idea/s with it and that would be the song. So it was a quick process.
3. what do you think about the music context nowadays and how you place yourself in? do you feel a part of any scene?
We have only played a live 3 times. At this stage our context floats somewhere between the experiential, punk and art rock scene if that even is something.
4. do you think that nowadays has still sense talking about "underground"?
I see underground music as any music that is played outside venues in warehouse, houses and interesting spaces. It used to be very strong Melbourne and still seems to exist Here and there.
5. do you play live? how public react to your music?
Keen to play live more for sure. It initially started as a recording project so it has been interesting getting together. So far the live response was good.
6. Genesis P-Orridge said "Our records were documents of attitudes and experiences and observations by us and other determinedly individual outsiders. Fashion was an enemy, style irrelevant.". What do your records represent to you?
Our recordings represent an immediate feeling that is captured and quickly recorded, fragments of sounds, ideas that aren't thought out, intuitive responses slapped together. It is anti studio, and DIY a way of capturing something without to much thought.

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