0. name of the band
Екатерина Литвинова (/Bianca Berg & Irvin Shaft, as an additional or ex-mane)
1. where are you from?
Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod
2. what kind of instruments/equipment you use?
As simple as that: electric or semi-acoustic guitars, digital amplifiers
3. what do you think about the music context nowadays and how you place yourself in? do you feel a part of any scene?
The whole matter of modern music may be blocked out as the highest level of eclecticism, thus the most appropriate approach here seemed to be an aquiring the mastership of mixing diverse musical genres.
4. which is your method of composition?
It'd sound quite arrogant, but it's really intuitive.
5. how is your recording approach? do you use some particular record technique?
Recording process I mostly regard as a combination of corresponding (broadly) sounds. Recording technique is focused at rhythm as academical modernism of the XX century.
6. do you play live? how public react to your music?
Generally I play as a supportive member of crimsonbutterfly.bandcamp.com .
I can't say that my music is appreciated much, but several folks thoughout my native city crave for a further release.
7. Genesis P-Orridge said "Our records were documents of attitudes and experiences and observations by us and other determinedly individual outsiders. Fashion was an enemy, style irrelevant.". What do your records represent to you?
Somehow it corresponds with P-Orridge's statement: my close friend usually marks that several nicknames of mine (sic!) expicate different aspects of possible sounding. They intersect at insurmountable number of angles.

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