0. name of the band
Drearian, lofi solo artist, bringing you noise nags, a grunge grudge, deep drugged out dynamics and a social hatred second to none. bringing you blasts of blaring tunes straight from a bedroom setting.
1. where are you from?
I'm from newcastle-upon-tyne, north east england.
2. what kind of instruments/equipment you use? do you use some particular record technique? which is your method of composition?
I've got a teisco inter-mark that I picked up at my local guitar shop and its my baby, wouldn't let it out of my sight, I've got a load of broken pedals from various eras too. in terms of recording I do it all on my tascam ministudio, all done through cassettes. I always write my lyrics first, find it makes the songs more real.
3. what do you think about the music context nowadays and how you place yourself in? do you feel a part of any scene?
I think its hard to define a scene in the modern world, with all this internet culture its possible to be part of a scene with people from all across the world, its a terrifyingly beautiful concept but it means its hard to find your place as part of a local scene, unless you start to build one yourself. I'd probably put myself in a box with the lofi scene and the fuzzrock scene if anything.
4. do you think that nowadays has still sense talking about "underground"?
I think they'll always be an underground, its just becoming less clear whats underground and what isn't, just because nobody has heard of you doesn't make you underground, it could just make you shit, I think being underground means you need a cult following really, somebody has to notice you otherwise you're not really anything, theres no ground to be under.
5. do you play live? how public react to your music?
I've only played once live so far, at a house party and I was drunk and none of my gear worked, but I had a laugh, got a gig coming up soon so that'll be fun, hoping for a mosh. I think my music is a bit like an under developed marmite, you either love it or you hate it, theres a lot of people who seem to connect with it though which is promising.
6. Genesis P-Orridge said "Our records were documents of attitudes and experiences and observations by us and other determinedly individual outsiders. Fashion was an enemy, style irrelevant.". What do your records represent to you?
for me lyric writing is a therapy, theres a lot of stuff that makes me angry and in the moment I think I'm just not quite sharp tongued enough to respond with anything but brute rage, thats what my music is for, accurately portraying me emotional and physical hatred for society,people I know, oppression and anything that peaks my disgust. against mass media culture, hate the way were brainwashed into social normality by primary conditioning of media, education and fear culture, theres so much were trained to be afraid of as a society and its pointless unless you explore it yourself. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my music is like the voice inside my head that you cant express out loud for fear of rejection, there's a lot of that involved, fear of rejection, its like society is that evasive father you'd do anything to please but its never quite enough. I guess I theres a lot of hate built up and I think my new ep is the catalyst for that.

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